展延香港NGO 助服務數碼轉型 | NGO網頁設計 | 系統開發

Digital Solutions
Service Hong Kong

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NGO Service Digitization Solution
i2 helps Hong Kong non-governmental organizations (NGOs) meet the challenges of service digitalization in all aspects, extend services to the daily life of service targets, and help you maximize service effectiveness!
NGO Success Cases
i2 NGO has successfully turned ideas into reality for more than 14 Hong Kong non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Services range from web design to game system development.
i2 NGO Awards
i2 has won many awards to recognize our technology, and now we continue to actively develop new technologies in order to fully assist NGOs to extend their services to the community

OGCIO Web Accessibility Recognition– Triple Gold

OGCIO Web Accessibility Recognition– Designer Award

Hong Kong ICT Awards – Best Digital InclusionGold Award&BestDigital Inclusion Grand Award

Best.hk Website Awards

OGCIO Web Accessibility– Silver Award

Asia Pacific ICT Awards– Best of E-inclusion and E-community

iProA WebCare Award

Best .hk Website Awards– Gold PrizeinNonCommercial Corporate

Human Service Information Technology Applications – 3rd place