NGO Success Cases

i-Change Gambling Counseling Platform

The i-Change anti-gambling counselling platform is built under the collaboration of a multi-party professional team, with an AI Chatbot as the core of the service. The auto-reply chatbot is a virtual counsellor, which provides 24-hour support to the inquirer regarding the core problems of gambling, further improves their motivation to seek help, and gradually accepts telephone counselling and face-to-face counselling services. In addition, raising public awareness of gambling problems is also an important task of this platform.

Client: Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong

Donor: 平和基金 The Ping Wo Fund

Go to i-Change Gambling Counseling Platform

AI Chatbot

  • The AI Chatbot is a virtual counselor. Our team designs different scenario dialogues for the core problems of gambling, and uses AI artificial intelligence to assist gambling patients or their families to find the correct coping methods

Live Counselor

  • The system cooperates with professionals to design a self-assessment, which is to evaluate this assessment and find out patients with gambling addiction

Self-assessment System

  • The system cooperates with professionals to design a self-assessment, evaluates users in real time, and finds out patients with gambling addiction

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